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Sir,i have completed my 12 this year and now face the tough task of choosing the right college broadly my options are bits pilani - cseiiit hyderabad 5 year dual course in cs (CSD)iit hyderabad chemicali could not perform well in iit jee advanced ....that fateful day turned against me.... ive heard that iit hyderabad though a new iit is a fast developing iit and an iit proff himself said it will be on par withold iits in a matter of few years ... also that to attract students iit hyd branch change rules are leniant and virtually all students get their choice of branch(mine cs) ..... so im faced with the tough chice between brand iit and bits pilani ..... plz guide me.... also throw some light on iiit hyd csd course.....

pratik 256 , 11 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Sourabh Singh

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Go for IIt and you will not regret your decision. there are only two divisions IIT and others

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