Flag Top Engineering Colleges in India> COE in DTU or NSIT??...
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Hello sir,I am resident of Delhi. My AIR in AIEEE 2012 is 4277.I am confient that I can get CSE in DTU and am also hopeful that I will get NSIT.But I am seriously confused b/w the two. I earlier preferred to join DTU coz the commute is a little shorter (about 20 min less) and that it has a great campus. But my friends have suggested that NSIT is better for COE, and that they have better faculty.Please help! I am really in a mess ryt now!

Akash Goel , 12 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 2 Answers
Rajeev Kumar

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

CSE & ECE in NSIT are far -- far better than CSE IN DTU in respect of academic/ faculty and placement. In Delhi CSE at NSIT is second best only to IIT- Delhi. God has given u good chance, just join NSIT- CSE, U will love the same. U will not getting it in 1st list, so fill at least 3 choices, but be sure u will get by 3rd list.


As about distance, I live in Rohini but joined NSIT- CSE

akash aggarwal

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

definitely dtu coz its now a technical university and have mous with over a dozen of colleges.placement/faculty are same for both the colleges. i was also confusd like you before enquiring about both the colleges from their respective professors and now i have finally decided for dtu!!

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