
Sir, i am getting 304 in Bitsat... Do i have any chance of getting in pilani?? What branches can i expect in Bits hyderabad??

Sir, i am getting 304 in Bitsat... Do i have any chance of getting in pilani?? What branches can i expect  in Bits hyderabad??


4 Answers

Godfrey Classic Prince
633 Points
12 years ago

Dear Harish R,

Congratulations dear for securing such good marks in the recently concluded BITSAT 2012 Examination.

I believe that you will certainly get the least fancied branches in BITS-Pilani like Chemical & Civil and you can get all the branches in BITS-Hyderabad for sure.


My Wishes for your bright future...!!


Hope this helped you immensely..

All the Very Best & Good Luck to you ...



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Godfrey Classic Prince


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astha g
33 Points
12 years ago

at 304, chances at PILNAI is for  only ENI, and almost all Five yr course or Msc tech( 4 yr). hyderbad CS/EEE most probabily but sure for other. 

Aman Mittal
18 Points
12 years ago

Please share your experience. How was the paper? And what marks had others got? How were the chem, english, logical questions. PLease reply as soon as possible. Thanks..

Harish R
37 Points
12 years ago

The paper was pretty lengthy. The questions are in increasing order of toughness so dont get excited when you are getting all the questions in the beginning. Other people in my time slot got mostly between 100 to 250. A couple others got 270 to 300 and one guy got 310. But i know some of my friends who have scored as high as 380. Chemistry had more theory questions from physical chem. There were questions from environmental chem as well. English grammar part was easy but a few of the word meanings and antonyms were difficult. Logical reasoning was like childs play

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