
Hello, My question is that "is there any methods or techniques to memorise the formulae as there are lots of formulae in IIT and Intermediate"? And "what is a best way to score more marks in exams without getting strained or stressed with the syllabus"?


My question is that "is there any methods or techniques to memorise the formulae as there are lots of formulae in IIT and Intermediate"?

And "what is a best way to score more marks in exams without getting strained or stressed with the syllabus"?


2 Answers

Godfrey Classic Prince
633 Points
13 years ago

Dear D.Jay Phaneendra,

There is no other easy alternative to glory than pain !!

"No Pain, No Gain"

You have to put yourself in fire to do it !!

It is hard but you should revise things again & again till you master it all !!

"Every Champion was a Beginner Once"


All the Best & Good Luck !!

Hope this helped you.

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Kavya Rastogi
33 Points
13 years ago

The same question is in my mind too. I am in XII CBSE preparing Engineering Enterance also. Please experts help us.



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