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helo sir.. i wanted to know if its good to do civil or automobile engineering from D.T.U. ..i dont have much interest in these branches infact i dont know much about any of the core branches..i have interest in mechanical or electronics..but i would like to opt D.T.U. please suggest me..i m from chandigarh.

Anup tiwari , 13 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

FIRST OF ALL I would like to tell you that dont run for the tag of the college because in your case it looks lyk you are fond of the status of DTU and for that u r sacrificing ur branch.....taking the branch in which u r nt intrested.........

let me explain this to you good college should nt be ur priority you need to focus on the branch of ur intrest because it determines your future(as well as ur path to the higher studies)...so before doing any thing think once again do u really want to sacrifice ur intrests for the sake of good college...

and on a  question which is a better option  civil or automoble???

i would have choosen civil because civil engineers r in demand right now......companies lyk dlf,dmrc are recruiting civil engineers in bulk nd depending on the experience they r giving them salaries with perks nd allowances......

with best wishes......Laughing


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