Flag Top Engineering Colleges in India> college of engiineering,guindyhow can i g...
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how can i get admission in college of engineering,anna university,guindy?

SHIKHAR MAKKAR , 13 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Godfrey Classic Prince

Last Activity: 13 Years ago


I am from Tamilnadu(Home state) where College of Engineering(Anna University),Guindy is llocated so you can rely on every piece of information i am gonna give you now dear okay....

So you see this college( College of Engineering(Anna University),Guindy) is run by the state government (Tamilnadu) & so the admissions to this collge are through the board exams(Tamilnadu board exams) so there is no chance of CBSE students getting inside Anna University,Chennai.!!

This college is a really good college & too bad it doesn't fill in the seats through competitive exams like the IIT-JEE,AIEE etc..

So students in Tamilnadu are in a comfort zone to enter this college...


So this is it SHIKHAR dear ...CBSE students should really go for the IIT's & NIT's ...


Hope that Helped !!!



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