
Which iit would be best for mechanical and electronics engineering?

Which iit would be best for mechanical and electronics engineering?


1 Answers

AskiitiansExpert Rohan
8 Points
15 years ago

Hi Rajat,

Well for your question I need to tell you one simple yet important thing..

It doesn't matter if which IIT excells in which field. It very slightly differs. Very very slightly. Infact first the very first mantra that I would like to tell you is that always go for a good college(IIT in your case) rather than a better branch until and unless There is a huge margin of difference..

So as far as your question is concerned I would still give you the answers.....

IIT Kanpur and IIT Delhi had always been excellent in their academics. So as they excell in most of the branches that they organize, they do in this case also. Yes, electrical especially is best at IIT Delhi allong with Chemical engineering(though u didn't mentioned it)...

Good wishes....


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