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I have got elecrical in NIT-durgapur,production in Jadavpur University and electronics in BITS-Goa.Which should i take?

Vengatesh Muralidharan , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 2 Answers
AskiitianExpert Shine

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


Electronics in BITS Goa is a good option, although BITS Goa is a relatively new institute but it still have got great infra and facilities. Moreover Electronic offer u very well paid jobs too. Graduates in Electronics Engineering have opportunities in Government and private companies for installation, operation and maintenance of electronics equipments and systems. Defence, space and other large research organisations employ electronics engineers in design and development of complex devices and systems for signal processing and telecommunication. Industries involved in design and fabrication of devices, integrated circuits, embedded systems, electronic equipments etc have also provide large scale placements for engineers with this specilisation. Installation and maintenance of electronic equipments used for health care in hospitals, equipments & systems for instrumentation and control in process industries automation systems of assembly line in production industries, etc are also handled by electronics engineers.

Knowledge of computer hardware, networking equipments and communication systems enables electronics engineering graduate helped them to annexe an edge in the IT job market. The skills and understanding developed in the course enable them to be preferred, as software professionals by IT companies.

Jadavpur university might be considerd better than BITS Goa, but production has somewhat lesser scope than ECE these days. ECE is the favorite among most of the toppers.

Vengatesh Muralidharan

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

Sir thank you very much for your reply.I would also like to inform you that my course has been upgraded to chemical engineering in BITS-pilani as I had given it as an option higher than electronics and instrumentation in Bits-Goa.Can you explain its prospects and placement oppurtunities.How good is it compared to electrical in NIT-Durgapur and production in Jadavpur?

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