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sir how is chennai mathematical institute...........wat is the entrance test dat i shud take to get into it

i iit , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear student,

Chennai Mathematical Institute is a centre of excellence for teaching and research in the mathematical sciences. It was founded in 1989 as a part of the SPIC Science Foundation, funded by the SPIC group in Chennai. Since 1996, it has been an autonomous institution.

CMI is managed by a Governing Council consisting of eminent persons. Today, CMI is a rare example of public-private partnership in research and education in India. The Institute receives major private funding, side by side with substantial financial support from the Government of India.

The main areas of research at CMI are Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics. In addition to a vibrant PhD programme, the Institute conducts BSc programmes in Mathematics and Computer Science as well as Physics, along with MSc programmes in Mathematics and Computer Science.


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Askiitians Expert

Sagar Singh

B.Tech, IIT Delhi

AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Deva

Its a reputed research institute. Fot admissions please follow the link



All the best.                                                           


AskiitiansExpert-IIT Delhi


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