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Currently I am in class 11, I am using NCERT as my base book & I have joined Brilliant tutorials ELITE 2 year Postal course...i wanted to know that is it ok to study from NCERT first (all subjects) & then move to brilliant's material! Do I need any other book If i complete Brilliant's Material.

Yash Maurya , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear yash

Yes you are doing well. first complete NCERT and then move to higher level. and if you feel difficulty in understanding some topics then you can refer arihant book for that.


All the best.                                                           




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Vivek Nigam

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

use FITJEE material ONLY!

its got vast amount of theory content as well as number of questions....

i highly recommend u to go thru it to secure gud rank..... 

i knw few guys who were successful in acheiving rank in top 10..after using FITJEE material...

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