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If a person wanna pursue his M.tech/MS in IT or computers ,shuld he aim for IIT's or IIIT ?

Vineet Kumar , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
AJIT AskiitiansExpert-IITD

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Vineet ,

IIIT's are good colleges in the field of IT but actually comparing  , IIT's are equal or more to them in IT field too. some  IIT's  like IITD have funding from Bharti enterprise to set up better labs. IIT's are institution of national importance so have huge fundings from government .Moreover , while doing Mtech you can become Teaching Assistant and earn money too and most importantly IIT tag is a brand in itself, So it remains with you and actually pays you. So i suggest go for IIT.

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