Flag Top Engineering Colleges in India> Admission Into NIT-Warangal AIR- 20918 St...
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1. Can I get any of the brances at NITWarangal except biotech. if not where can I get in NITs. How at Br ambedkar engi col and motilal nehru eng col2. Also in admission in AIEEE will they first consider all the seats in all brances in one college ORbased on our rank first they give for rank 100 of his order of pref and 101 rank and 102 rank.The same doubt I have in BITSAT-Adm also. Please suggest me so that how to give order of preference in AIEEE and BITSAT

md rafi , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 2 Answers
ashish kumar

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


Dear Rafi,

Please mention your rank to answer your 1st query

Regarding the second first refer to the last year cutoff details : -


And while filling your preferance seats keep this data in mind. Look the branches you are getting at your rank in referane to the last year cutoff details. Then around 10 choices just before your rank . While filling preferance list keep the latter 10 choice dirst in your preferance list and then some good choices in order you would be geting at your rank and after then some good choices just below your rank.

Thank you.

md rafi

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

All India Rank     20918

State Rank   3432

And Im from Andhra Pradesh State and Fom GENERAL Category.


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