Flag Top Engineering Colleges in India> where should i take nd wat r d optns?...
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i got jee rank 8721, aieee 4362 nd isat add. list 420 smthng.... what are the optns available nd where do u think i should take? also, i m certain i cn do bttr in iit nxt year if i drop out nd prepare for 1 mr year..... do u think i should drop? or shall i take the optns that i get?

sahil jalan , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Rahul askIITiansExpert.IITR

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

see one year is nothing as compared to 60 years of life. I think you should take a drop. an IITians life is good there is no doubt. Try again. You will succeed if you are so sure.
best of luck

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Rahul- IIT Roorkee

Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Sahil,

There are lots very good options available through aieee score.. but if you are confident enuf then the best is to drop a year and prepare one more year . Dropping is not a bad idea but if u will not work hard cudn’t succed thn you will end up wasting ur precious one year, so think twice b4 u take any decision. All is upto you. 

All the very best !

Check out the opening and closing rank for collages under AIEEE:


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