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1) with rank AIR 3071 and delhi rank 293 can i get cs in top nits?2) is dce/nsitbetter than top nitsthanks in advance

jyoti kadian , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Ramesh V

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

My opinion:
1. NSIT, no doubt, better than all NIT, its a well accepted fact.
2. Only NIT-Trichy/Suratkal can match the quality of DCE.

Note: It is not possible to compare 2 institutes as one may be better in infra/placement and other may be better for higher MS/MBA admits. So depending upon 1's interest, a particular insti can be better (only) for him/her. My opinion NSIT/DCE scores for :placements/MBA admits/Delhi crowd

other NIT trichy/suratkal may be looked for advantage of having junta from all over india.

You may not get CSE IN NIT wara., surathkal, Trichy with that rank

all the best




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