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hello sir,my cbse 12th class PCM is about 73% so what should i do now should i drop this year or should i opt for college. Can i get a good college with these marks and my AIEEE marks is about 112 and IIT JEE marks ar about 145

Shankey Bhat , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Ankit Mehra

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Hello Shankey

You shold think twice before dropping a year as from this year, the eligibility for IITJEE might be 80% in grade 12. This new rule has not been implemented yet but might be in due course of year.

But no such criteria is valid for AIEEE. So the choice is totally yours.

You have got a comparatively low score in JEE as well as AIEEE so try aiming for other universities.

All the best!

Ankit Mehra

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