Flag Top Engineering Colleges in India> sir which branch AND college is better be...
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sir which branch AND college is better between NIT AGARTALA ------PHYSICS DUAL DEGREE OF BSC AND MSC and JAYPEE INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY,NOIDA --------COMPUTER SCIENCE sir please suggest me which is bettere between both of them i have both of these options

Grade 12th pass
anser 6 Answers

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Take decision according to the branches you want to take.If you ant to make your career in research or in teaching MSc physics would be a better option but for a decent job in public or private sector choose cs

Soneel Verma

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Whenever you are stuck n a fix whether to choose quality conscious college of monetary benefit based collge then a comparson and contrast is justified, but here in your case both the instututions are equally good, noneof them is less than each other in any regard, so, just to clear your doubt you may visit the official weblinks of the two rather involve some other reputed names as well in this analysis, and then compare and contrast the essential features like – the student intake, fee structures, faculty experience, placement record and pay packagesetc and then finally make a choice, you may try at – Banasthali Uni, Banasthali,...................Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha uni, Delhi,..............................Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,...................Galgotias Uni, Greater Noida


Soneel Verma

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Whenever you are stuck n a fix whether to choose quality conscious college of monetary benefit based collge then a comparson and contrast is justified, but here in your case both the instututions are equally good, noneof them is less than each other in any regard, so, just to clear your doubt you may visit the official weblinks of the two rather involve some other reputed names as well in this analysis, and then compare and contrast the essential features like – the student intake, fee structures, faculty experience, placement record and pay packagesetc and then finally make a choice, you may try at – Banasthali Uni, Banasthali,...................Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha uni, Delhi,..............................Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,...................Galgotias Uni, Greater Noida


Soneel Verma

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Whenever you are stuck n a fix whether to choose quality conscious college of monetary benefit based collge then a comparson and contrast is justified, but here in your case both the instututions are equally good, noneof them is less than each other in any regard, so, just to clear your doubt you may visit the official weblinks of the two rather involve some other reputed names as well in this analysis, and then compare and contrast the essential features like – the student intake, fee structures, faculty experience, placement record and pay packagesetc and then finally make a choice, you may try at – Banasthali Uni, Banasthali,...................Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha uni, Delhi,..............................Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,...................Galgotias Uni, Greater Noida


Soneel Verma

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Whenever you are stuck n a fix whether to choose quality conscious college of monetary benefit based collge then a comparson and contrast is justified, but here in your case both the instututions are equally good, noneof them is less than each other in any regard, so, just to clear your doubt you may visit the official weblinks of the two rather involve some other reputed names as well in this analysis, and then compare and contrast the essential features like – the student intake, fee structures, faculty experience, placement record and pay packagesetc and then finally make a choice, you may try at – Banasthali Uni, Banasthali,...................Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha uni, Delhi,..............................Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,...................Galgotias Uni, Greater Noida


Soneel Verma

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Whenever you are stuck n a fix whether to choose quality conscious college of monetary benefit based collge then a comparson and contrast is justified, but here in your case both the instututions are equally good, noneof them is less than each other in any regard, so, just to clear your doubt you may visit the official weblinks of the two rather involve some other reputed names as well in this analysis, and then compare and contrast the essential features like – the student intake, fee structures, faculty experience, placement record and pay packagesetc and then finally make a choice, you may try at – Banasthali Uni, Banasthali,...................Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha uni, Delhi,..............................Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,...................Galgotias Uni, Greater Noida


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