Flag Top Engineering Colleges in India> Failing miserably in JEE Adv (180 marks),...
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Failing miserably in JEE Adv (180 marks), I am managing to score 374 in BITSAT 2015. The last year cutoff for CS branch was 375 at Pilani, but mostly ios around 350 every year. Don’t know maybe last year the paper was exceptionally easy...so, anyone has any idea if the cutoff would rise or fall this year?I am to take only CS and no other branch..and according to mains (228 + 94% in cbse), I won’t get the top 3-4 NITs(CS)...so would it be wise to opt for Pilani or to take the NITs I am getting (CS branch only)...the expenditure doesnot matter

Piyush , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Sunil Kumar

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

See if your preference is CS then go for that. The NIT’s that are after 3-4 according to you is not a bad option for CS.

Also with your BITSAT score you should get CS in BITS Pilani. Even if not in that , you can get it in other BITS campuses.

So it would be wise to take CS in BITS Pilani than any other NIT.

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