
Why is white dress more comfortable than dark dress in summer ?

Why is white dress more comfortable than dark dress in summer ?


5 Answers

Mukesh Sharma
askIITians Faculty 43 Points
10 years ago
because black dress is a perfect absorber . hence it absorbs heat . so become more warmer than white deres which reflects light.
Thanks & Regards
Mukesh Sharma
askIITians Faculty
Nidhin S R
14 Points
10 years ago
Black dresses are black-bodies and obey black body laws; they black-body absorb all sorts of radiations (vast wavelengths of radiations) and black-body radiate the absorbed radiation into radiation of different wavelengths (refer black-body radiation).These radiated radiations may fall in the thermal radiations` range.And we feel being cooked. Nidhin S R Trivandrum University College Physics Dept.
lokesh soni
37 Points
10 years ago
because black dress is good absorber of heat therefore making the body warm .
39 Points
10 years ago
black dress is good heat absorber than white dress.If you wear black dress in summer you feel very hot
38 Points
10 years ago
black dress is a good observer of heat than white in summer it is best to wear white dress to protect from heat.

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