
Why does the brake drum of an automobile get heated up while moving down at constant speed?

Why does the brake drum of an automobile get heated up while moving down at constant


3 Answers

199 Points
8 years ago
Brakes are to be applied during the driving of an automobile for constant speed. As a result of
friction between wheel and brake drum, the temperature of wheel and brake drum of an
automobile increase.
1700 Points
8 years ago
Brakes are to be applied during the driving of an automobile for constant speed. As a result offriction between wheel and brake drum, the temperature of wheel and brake drum of anautomobile increase.
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sumanth Babu
19 Points
7 years ago
when auto mobile working down with an constant speed its potential energy decreases.This decrease in potential energy is converted in the form of heat energy.As a result the break drum of an automobile get heated.

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