
when 40 gm of metal at 50 degree celusis is immersed in 100 gm of water at 10 degree celusis the final temperature of system is 13 degree celusis what is the approximate weight of metal.?? Ans given is :- 32 but how??

when 40 gm of metal at 50 degree celusis is immersed in 100 gm of water at 10 degree celusis the final temperature of system is 13 degree celusis what is the approximate weight of metal.??
Ans given is :- 32 but how??

Grade:12th Pass

2 Answers

12 Points
10 years ago
please check your have not mentioned the specific capacity of the metal
Sachin Bhutani
40 Points
10 years ago
i also know but specifc heat capacity is not given in book also.and nothing is given about themetal used. what we do now. any assumption to be made for this particular question. this question is from ARHIANT BITSAT ONLINE 2014 COMPREHENSIVE BOOK IN HEAT,TEMPERATURE AND CALORIEMENTRY CHAPTER.....

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