
We are lucky that the earth is not in thermal equilibrium with the sun (which has a surface temperature of 5800K). But why are not the two bodies in thermal equilibrium?

We are lucky that the earth is not in thermal equilibrium with the sun (which has a
surface temperature of 5800K). But why are not the two bodies in thermal


2 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
  1. The sun takes very smaller amount of region of earth and is at thermal eqm. at that only part of portion.
  2. As a result, maximum part of the earth is cooler.
  3. There is always heat exchange from the sun to the earth in minimum ratio.
  4. Life would not be sustainable.
Ahmed Raza
13 Points
6 years ago
The earth is not in thermal equilibrium with sun because earth is being warmed by absorbed radiant energy and it also looses heat in many ways like conduction convection radiation and evaporation

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