
three roots of identical cross-sectional area and made from the same metal from the sides of an isosceles triangleABC, right angled at B. the pts A & B are maintained at temp T & 2T respectively. in the steady state, the temperature of the pt T C assuming that only heat conduction takes place, T C /T P is: (a) 1/( 2-1) (b) 3/( 2+1) (c) 1/ 3( 2-1) (d) 1/( 2+1)

three roots of identical cross-sectional area and made from the same metal from the sides of an isosceles triangleABC, right angled at B. the pts A & B are maintained at temp T & 2T respectively. in the steady state, the temperature of the pt T assuming that only heat conduction takes place, TC/TP  is:
(a) 1/(2-1)
(b) 3/(2+1)
(c) 1/3(2-1)
(d) 1/(2+1)


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