these all questions are digrammatic......1.) figure shows a cylindrical tube of radius 5 cm and lenght 20 cm. it is closed by a tight-fitting cork. the friction coefficient b/w the cork and the tube is 0.2 . the tube contains an ideal gas at a pressure of 1 atm and a temperature of 300 K.the tube is slowly heated and it is found that the cork pops out when the temperature reaches 600 K. let dN denote the magnitude of the normal contact force exerted by a small lenght dl of the cork along the periphery..assuming that the temeprature of the gas is unform at any instant, calculate dN/dl2.figure shows a cylindrical tube of volume V with adiabatic walls containing an ideal gas . the internal energy of this ideal gas is given by 1.5nRT.the tube is divided into two equal parts by a fixed diathermic walls initially, the pressure & the temperature are as shown.the system is left for sufficient time so that the temperature become equal on the two sides.a) find the final pressures on the two sides.b) find the final equilibrium temperaturec) how much heat has flown from the fgas on the right to the gas on the left??3.calculate the heat absorbed ny a system in going through the cyclic process as shown...
Navjyot Kalra , 11 Years ago
Grade 10