
thanks for tthe many many replies that u sent to me..... im really very grateful to u.... thanks again... let me first clarify myself wat i m exactly thinking: when a thrmometer is kept in a gas the gas moleules collide wid the thermom walls therby increasing the thermal ener. of its molecules which leads to its expansion . and temp is a measure of this expansion.. similrly when only a single mol is kept in a container will increase the therml ener of the thermo. walls leading to its xpansion but even a single molecule due to collisions with the thermometer walls wil increase the thermal energy of its molecules andso theoretically we can measure the temp of a single molecule...(by the xpansion it will cause to the mercury)..... then WHY IS ITS TEMP NOT DEFINED??!!!!!!!!! i hope u r understanding my real duobt.. as u said that temp is a macroscopic property ...... wat does it mean? please clarify me how it is a macroscopic property.....

thanks for tthe many many replies that u sent to me..... im really very grateful to u.... thanks again...
  let me first clarify myself wat i m exactly thinking:
  when a thrmometer  is kept in a gas the gas moleules collide wid the thermom walls therby increasing the thermal ener. of its molecules  which leads to its expansion . and temp is a measure of this expansion..
 similrly when only  a single mol is kept in a container   will increase the therml ener of the thermo. walls leading to its xpansion
but even a single molecule due to collisions with the thermometer walls wil increase the thermal energy of its molecules andso theoretically we can measure the temp of a single molecule...(by the xpansion it will cause to the mercury)..... then WHY IS ITS TEMP NOT DEFINED??!!!!!!!!!
i hope u r understanding my real duobt..
as u said that temp is  a macroscopic property ...... wat does it mean?  please clarify me how it is a macroscopic property.....


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