
In Fig. 23-35, assume the following values: p j = 2.20 × 10 5 Pa V j = 0.012 m 3 , p f = 1.60 × 10 5 Pa, V f = 0.0270 m 3 . For each of the three pats shown, find the value of Q, W, and Q + W . (Hint: Find P, V, T atpoints A, B, C. Assume an ideal manatomic gas.)

In Fig. 23-35, assume the following values:
pj = 2.20 × 105 Pa
Vj  = 0.012 m3 ,
pf = 1.60 × 105 Pa,
Vf = 0.0270 m3.
For each of the three pats shown, find the value of Q, W, and Q + W . (Hint: Find P, V, T atpoints A, B, C. Assume an ideal manatomic gas.)

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Navjyot Kalra
askIITians Faculty 654 Points
9 years ago
This problem cannot be solved without making some assumptions about the type of process occurring on the two curved portions.

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