Flag Thermal Physics> If heat is supplied to an ideal gas in an...
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If heat is supplied to an ideal gas in an isothermal process,a) the internal energy of the gas will increaseb) the gas will do positive workc) the gas will do negative workd) the said process is not possible.

Hrishant Goswami , 10 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 2 Answers
Kevin Nash

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Sol. Yes, the internal energy must increase when temp. increases; as internal energy depends upon temperature U ∝ T

Kabir Jain

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

the ans is that the gas will do positive work. according to us it will be negative.
the work will be done because the energy, in form of heat, supplied will not change the temperature (being isothermal), so the energy needs to be cancelled out. therefore gas will do the required work. for us, it is negative, by convention, but it is positive for the gas.

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