
d surface temp of sun is T=55000K itz radius =R(s)=7*10^(10) cm, d radius of d earth is R(e)=6.4*10^(13 cm, d istance betwn d earth and d sun =R=1.5*10^(13) cm,assumin that d earth and d sun absorb all d electromagnetic radiations incident on them and that d earth is in steady state wid T constnt calculate T frm d given parameters .......... try .....

d surface temp of sun is T=55000K itz radius =R(s)=7*10^(10) cm, d radius of d earth is R(e)=6.4*10^(13 cm, d istance betwn d earth and d sun =R=1.5*10^(13) cm,assumin that d earth and d sun absorb all d electromagnetic radiations incident on them and that d earth is in steady state wid T constnt  calculate T frm d given parameters ..........

 try .....


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