
Cylindrical tube of volume V with adiabatic walls containing an ideal gas is given by 1.5nRT. The tube is divided into equal parts by fixed diathermic wall. Initially,the pressure and the temperature are p1,t1 on the left and p2,t2on the right. The system is left for sufficient time so that the temperature becomes equal on the two sides.(a)find the final pressures on the two sides .(b)find the final equilibrium temperature .(d)how much heat has flown from the gas on the right to the gas on the left?

Cylindrical tube of volume V with adiabatic walls containing an ideal gas is given by 1.5nRT. The tube is divided into equal parts by fixed diathermic wall. Initially,the pressure and the temperature are p1,t1 on the left and p2,t2on the right. The system is left for sufficient time so that the temperature becomes equal on the two sides.(a)find the final pressures on the two sides .(b)find the final equilibrium temperature .(d)how much heat has flown from the gas on the right to the gas on the left?

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2 Answers

Abhishek Ghatge
14 Points
10 years ago
Will you specify what is 1.5 nRT?
Vandana Kumari
31 Points
9 years ago
internal energy

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