
Comment on the statement: “A heat engine convert disordered mechanical motion into organized mechanical motion.”

Comment on the statement: “A heat engine convert disordered mechanical motion into organized mechanical motion.”


1 Answers

Aditi Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 396 Points
9 years ago
The heat engine has used them to produce ordered energy. Since the heat engine needs both thermal energy and order, it can’t operate if either the hot or cold object is missing. Creating disorder out of order is easy, but recovering order from disorder is nearly impossible. As a result, systems that begin with some amount of order gradually become more and more disordered, never the other way around.
Heat engine is a device used to convert heat into mechanical energy. First law of thermodynamics gives a qualitative statement for conversion of heat into work. But nature has imposed certain restrictions on conversion of heat into work. For this we require a device we called the engine and the engine requires a medium called the working substance. But he left exhaust gases from the heat engine will create more disorder than order. Therefore the statement “A heat engine converts disordered mechanical motion into organized mechanical motion” is a wrong statement

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