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Can a room be cooled by leaving the door of an electric refrigerator open?

salvathshaik , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 6 Answers

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

A refrigerator is a heat engine that works in backward direction i.e., it extracts heat from a low
temperature reservoir and transfers it to a high temperature reservoir. Thus it exhausts more
heat into the room than it extracts from it. Hence the room gets heated.


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

A refrigerator is a heat engine that works in backward direction i.e., it extracts heat from a low
temperature reservoir and transfers it to a high temperature reservoir. Thus it exhausts more
heat into the room than it extracts from it. Hence the room gets heated.


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

A refrigerator is a heat engine that works in backward direction i.e., it extracts heat from a lowtemperature reservoir and transfers it to a high temperature reservoir. Thus it exhausts moreheat into the room than it extracts from it. Hence the room gets heated.


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Salvath, A refrigerater is worked by the principle of backward reaction so if you open the door then the room will be heated because It taken energy from high temperature this is the reason for this situation.


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

A refrigerator is a heat engine that works in backward direction i.e., it extracts heat from a low
temperature reservoir and transfers it to a high temperature reservoir. Thus it exhausts more
heat into the room than it extracts from it. Hence the room gets heated .

Prabhakar ch

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

  • A refrigerater is worked by the principle of backward reaction so if you open the door then the room will be heated because It taken energy from high temperature this is the reason for this situation.

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