Flag Thermal Physics> a pendulum clock becomes 5sec fast each d...
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a pendulum clock becomes 5sec fast each day at temp at 15 c and becomes 10 sec slow each day at temp 30 c .the temp at which the clock gives correct time is

sandhya , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 4 Answers

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

in this we have to use mainly three concepts which are  L2=L1(1+(alpha)(change in temprature))
another is binomial theorem which is (1 + x )n= 1 + nx         for x
and the last one which is T = 2\pi\sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}
now it is given that clock is 5 seconds fast each day i.e. 1.16 \times 10-4 seconds
i.e. time period at that temprature is (2 – 1.16 \times 10-4)
and let at \theta temprature it shows correct time i.e. it’s time period is 2 seconds 
now, \frac{T_{1}}{T_{o}}=\sqrt{\frac{L_{1}}{L_{o}}}
and L1 = Lo(1 + \alpha(15  – \theta))
\Rightarrow \frac{T_{1}}{T_{o}}=\sqrt{\frac{L_{o}(1 + \alpha (15 - \theta ))}{L_{o}}}
using binomial theorem
\Rightarrow \frac{T_{1}}{T_{o}}=1 - \frac{1}{2}\alpha(15 - \theta )
\frac{2 - 1.16 \times 10^{-4}}{2} = 1 + \frac{1}{2}\alpha (\theta - 15)
\theta - 15 = \frac{1.16 \times 10^{-4}}{\alpha}        …......................1
30 - \theta = \frac{2.32 \times 10^{-4}}{\alpha}   …............................2
now subtracting adding equation 1 and 2 we get
15 = \frac{3.48 \times 10^{-4}}{\alpha}
\Rightarrow \alpha = \frac{3.48 \times 10^{-4}}{15}
substituting it in equation 1 we get 
\theta - 15 = 5
\Rightarrow \theta = 20
so clock will give correct time at 20 oC


Last Activity: 7 Years ago

A simple method to solve this is the following:Time lost or gained= aplha∆t/2 X given time periodCase 1: Time gained is 5s so the condition is like this: 5=alpha(t-15)/2 where it`s (t-15) as it`s gained so t is at more temp.Case 2: Time lost is 10s so the condition is like this: 10=alpha(30-t)/2 where it`s (30-t) as it`s lost so t is at a less temp.Dividing these two equations we get the temp at which clock gives correct time.10/5=(30-t)/2 X 2/(t-15)2(t-15)=30-t2t-30=30-t3t=60T=20°

Harsh Jaiswal

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

We know that: T = 2π √(l/g)
dT/T= 1/2∝ ∆T
And we can say that temp., would be between 15oC and 30oC 
5/T=1/2∝(θ- 15) ------1nd
10/T= 1/2  ∝(30- θ) ------2nd
Diviving 1st and 2nd eqn
we get, 
5/10= (θ-15)/(30- θ)  
⸫ θ = 20oC

Yash Chourasiya

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear Student

Please see the solution in the attachment.

I hope this answer will help you.
Thanks & Regards
Yash Chourasiya

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