A cup of tea cool from 80 degree Celsius to 60 degree celsius in one minute the abandoned temperature is 30 degree Celsius in cooling from 60 degree Celsius to 50 degree Celsius it will take
in second condition, initial temperature ( Ti) = 60°C Final temperature ( Tf) = 50°C Time taken for cooling is t A/C Newton's law of cooling ( 60 - 50)/t = 2 [ (60+50)/2 -60] 10/t = 2* 5 10/t = 10 t = 1 min
Last Activity: 5 Years ago
According to Rate of cooling
dT/dt = K((T_initial+T_final)/2 - T_surr)
( 80-60)/1 = K(70-60) K = 2
Time taken for cooling
(60 - 50)/t = 2 ((60+50)/2 -60)
t = 60 sec
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