
540 calories of heat converts 1cm cube of water at 100 degrees cecius into 1671 cm cube of steam at 100 degrees celcius at a pressure of 1 atm. then work done against the atmospheric pressure is?

540 calories of heat converts 1cm cube of water at 100 degrees cecius into 1671 cm cube of steam at 100 degrees celcius at a pressure of 1 atm. then work done against the atmospheric pressure is?


1 Answers

21 Points
7 years ago
Amount of heat given = 540 caloriesChange in volume ∆V =1670 c.cPressure = 1.01×10^6 dyne/cm²W = P∆V =1.01×10^6 × 1670 ____________________. = 40 calories 4.2 × 10^7

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