
2vessels of areal expansions coefficients A & B contain same liquid of which apparent expansion coefficients r rA & rB den B is coefficient of apparent expansions of a liquid in gold vessel is G & wen heated ina silver vessel is S if coefficient of linear expansion of gold is A coefficient of linear expansion of silver is d top of a lake is frozen d air in contact with it is -15 C wat do u expect d min temp of water in contact with ice & at bottom of d lake resply

2vessels of areal expansions coefficients A & B contain same liquid of which apparent expansion coefficients r

rA & rB den B is

coefficient of apparent expansions of a liquid in gold vessel  is G & wen heated ina silver vessel is S if coefficient of linear expansion of gold is A coefficient of linear expansion of  silver is

d top of a lake is frozen d air in contact with it is -15 C wat do u expect d min temp of water in contact with ice & at bottom of d lake resply

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