
2 spherical bodies A (radius 6cm) & B (radius 18cm) are at temp. T1 & T2 respectively.the maximum intensity in the emission spectrum of A is at 500nm & in that of B is at 1500nm.considering then to be black bodies , what will be the ratio of total energy radiated by A to that of B? give solution

 2 spherical bodies A (radius 6cm) & B (radius 18cm) are at temp. T1 & T2 respectively.the maximum intensity in the emission spectrum of A is at 500nm & in that of B is at 1500nm.considering then to be black bodies , what will be the ratio of total energy radiated by A to that of B? give solution


1 Answers

Shrinithi sellam
14 Points
6 years ago
From question, 
By wien's law  , we get 
Energy equation =  
Energy equation for  
Energy equation for  

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