Flag Thermal Physics> 2) 0.01moles of an ideal diatomic gas is ...
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2) 0.01moles of an ideal diatomic gas is enclosed in an adiabatic cylinder of cross-sectional area A=10-4m2.In the arrangement shown,a block of mass m=1kg is suspended from a spring of stiffness constant k=16N/m.Initially,the spring is relaxed and the volume of the gas is V=1.4 X 10-4m3.(a)Find the initial pressure of the gas?(b)If block m is gently pushed down and released it oscillates harmonically,find its angular frequency of oscillation.(c)When the gas in the cylinder is heated up the piston starts moving up and the spring gets compressed so that block M is just lifted up.Determine the heat supplied.Take atmospheric pressure p0=105 Nm-2,g=10 ms-2.

Radhika Batra , 11 Years ago
Grade 11
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