
Mercury thermometer can be used to measure temperature upto (a) 260°C (b) 100°C (c) 357°C (d) 500°C

Mercury thermometer can be used to measure temperature upto      

        (a)    260°C

        (b)    100°C 

        (c)    357°C       

(d)    500°C


2 Answers

Amit Saxena
35 Points
10 years ago


Mercury thermometer is based on the principle of change of volume with rise of temperature and can measure temperatures ranging from -30°C to 357°C.


ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
4 years ago
based on the principle of change of volume with rise of temperature and can measure temperatures ranging from -30°C to 357°C or243 k to 630k

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