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The notation for entropy is dS=dQ/T. It makes sense to call it a state function as fot a cyclic process integral of dQ/T=0. But how do we correlate it with randomness of system? I mean randomness is a totally different thing - a particle having a probability of going in just any direction is randomness. How do we know if heat supplied is dQ & temperature is T increase in randomness =dQ/T?

Jhumi XYZ , 12 Years ago
Grade 12th Pass
anser 1 Answers
Karteek Valluri

Last Activity: 12 Years ago

Entropy:- It''s a disorderness of a system.During time change every non living thing looses it''s information for example by let to itself a sand house buld near a sea by a child will be dimnished as time goes on means it loosing it''s information(Dimension,shape..etc). So in physics disorderness termed as Entropy.Entropy is nothing but a probability of a partical to be in a state.

Heat is an external disordeness. A non living body like heat engine loss it''s information in the form of heat

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