
In stefan's law, the energy emitted is proportional to the temperature. is the energy emitted only proportional or absorbed is also proportional??

In stefan's law, the energy emitted is proportional to the temperature. is the energy emitted only proportional or absorbed is also proportional??


3 Answers

Ashwin Sinha
520 Points
13 years ago

Dear Akhil Vemula,

The total radiant energy emitted E per unit time by a black body of surface A is propertional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature.

    E  T4


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52 Points
13 years ago

energy emitted is proportional to temp of body while energy absorbed is proportional to temp of surrounding.

net energy exchange is the diference of two

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
13 years ago

let T be temperature of body and T0 be temperature of surrounding, acoording to stefan's law energy radiated is proportional to T4, and energy absorbed is proportional to T04

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