
A piece of metal floats on mercury. The coeff. of volume expansion of metal & Hg are ¥1 & ¥2 resp. If the temp. Of both Hg & metal are inreased by delta T, then by what factor does the fraction of the volume of the metal submerged in Hg changes? [ans.....(¥2-¥1)deltaT] pls tel the idea......

A piece of metal floats on mercury. The coeff. of volume expansion of metal & Hg are ¥1 & ¥2 resp. If the temp. Of both Hg & metal are inreased by delta T, then by what factor does the fraction of the volume of the metal submerged in Hg changes?
[ans.....(¥2-¥1)deltaT] pls tel the idea......


2 Answers

AKASH GOYAL AskiitiansExpert-IITD
420 Points
13 years ago

Dear Rajan

Please see the pic for slution.

All the best.




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15 Points
7 years ago
Excuse me....I have the same question in my physics module/sheet of class 11 resonance institute Kota. But they have given answer-[1+(¥2)(delta T)]÷[(1+(¥1)(delta T)]

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