
in a ques.. it was given dat a wire is stretched 2 double its length.v had 2 find out stress in terms of Y , new radius etc.. my first question is wether d eqn dl/l =F/AY is valid here bcoz:area is changing significantly & dl is also large.? secondly, do v calculate d new radius by using volume=constt => A 1 L 1 =A 2 L 2 or dis assumption dat volume is constt. evrytym in dis type of quesn. is wrong? pls rply.

 in a ques.. it was given dat a wire is stretched 2 double its length.v had 2 find out stress in terms of Y , new radius etc..

my first question is wether d eqn dl/l =F/AY is valid here bcoz:area is changing significantly & dl is also large.?

secondly, do v calculate d new radius by using volume=constt => A1L1 =A2L2 or dis assumption dat volume is constt. evrytym in dis type of quesn. is wrong?

pls rply.


1 Answers

Prudhvi teja
83 Points
14 years ago

Dear Ritika

Yea your question is correct

In the question thy asked stress

and stress =  strain* Y(youngs modulus)  [HOOK'S LAW]

dl/l =F/AY  

this one is just derived from hooke's law useing stress os F/A

from hook's you can stress

'for radius use volume constant

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