Flag Inorganic Chemistry> Which is correct for ionic radii? (1) Ti ...
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Which is correct for ionic radii? (1) Ti+4 +7 (2) 35Cl– 37Cl (3) KK (4) P+3 > P+5​

Aabha AGGARWAL , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

concept of atomic size goes like this
Dear student
1) say there are same electrons and protons for some atom. if u remove one electron from that the protons are higher than electrons. thatswhy we put + sign on the element for removing electron. when we removed the electron the protons are more so they attract electrons more strongly. so the atomic size will reduce
2) if we take an electron the electrons increases. for that we put an - (negative sign) on that element. in this case elements are more so and protons are low. less protons attracts less so the atomic size will increase.
But you have not provided proper question as sign of inequality is missing. however I have told the concept.
Hope it helps

Vikas TU

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

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