Flag Inorganic Chemistry> Is there any back bonding in nf3 , pl3 , ...
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Is there any back bonding in nf3 , pl3 , pbr3 , pcl3 , pf3?And find the order of basicity?

Lotus , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Re-posting the answer agin:
pcl3 , pbr3 , pi3 may have the back – bonding concepts associated with them, as there are the vacant d orbitals present in the Halogen atom and p atoms from the P atom.Because the back bonding is the overlapping of the p orbitals ovr d orbitals.
Absence of these orbtals would not show the definte back bonding.

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