
Distinguish between the following pair: (i) Bromo benzene & benzyl bromide (ii) nPropyl alcohol & iso-propyl alcohol

Distinguish between the following pair:
(i) Bromo benzene & benzyl bromide
(ii) nPropyl alcohol & iso-propyl alcohol

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
10 years ago
(1)benzyl bromide undergoes nucleophilic substitution reaction
reacts with aq KOH to form benzyl alcohol and KBr
KBr react with AgNO3 to form AgBr(light yellow ppt)
bromo benzen donot show such type of reaction

(2)n isopropyl alcohol, the arrangement of the groups is a branched structure and the -OH group is attached to the 2-carbon in the chain. Whereas, n-propyl alcohol has the linear arrangement of the groups and -OH group is attached to 1-carbonof the chain in a linear manner. But, they both have the same chemical formula.

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