
4 Give the electronic configuration of d-orbitals of K3 [Fe(CN6)] and K3 [FeF6] and explain why these complexes give different colour with same solution. At. No. Of Fe=26u

4 Give the electronic configuration of d-orbitals of K3 [Fe(CN6)] and K3 [FeF6] and
explain why these complexes give different colour with same solution.

At. No. Of Fe=26u


1 Answers

11 Points
7 years ago
In both the complexes Fe is in +3 oxidation state.- In K3[Fe(CN)6] O.S of Fe can be calculated as - x + (6 * -1) = -3 x = +3- Similarly in K3[Fe(F)6] O.S of Fe -x + (6 * -1) = -3x = +3So the configuration of Fe^+3 = 3d^5Now in K3[Fe(CN)6] CN- being a strong field ligand pairs up the d^5 electrons and leads to (t2g^5 eg^0) d configuration. Here the number of unpaired electron is 1. In K3[Fe(F)6] F- being a weak field ligand is unable to cause pairing of electrons and leads to (t2g^3 eg^2) d configuration. In this case the number of unpaired electrons are 5.In both the complexes due to availability of different number of unpaired electrons, there is a difference in d-d transition which results in these complexes giving different colours in same solution.

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