
0.6g of a sample of pyrolusite was boiled wioth 200ml of N/10 Oxalic acid and excess of dilute Sulphuric acid {H2SO4}. The liquid was filtered and the residue washed. The filterate and washings were mixed and made up to 500ml. 100ml of this solution required 50ml of N/30 KMnO4 solution. Calculate the percentage of MnO2 in the given sample of Pyrolusite ? Ans (84.58%) Sir, it is the question of "Modern Approach To chemical calculations" by Ramendra c. Mukerjee, page no.154,

0.6g of a sample of pyrolusite was boiled wioth 200ml of N/10 Oxalic acid and excess of dilute Sulphuric acid {H2SO4}. The liquid was filtered and the residue washed. The filterate and washings were mixed and made up to 500ml. 100ml of this solution required 50ml of N/30 KMnO4 solution. Calculate the percentage of MnO2 in the given sample of Pyrolusite ?
Ans (84.58%)
Sir, it is the question of "Modern Approach To chemical calculations" by Ramendra c. Mukerjee, page no.154,

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago

Dear student,

Use the concept of equivalents

equivalent weight=molecular weight/n factor...

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Sagar Singh

B.Tech, IIT Delhi

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