Flag Physical Chemistry> 1--Oxygen gas is collected by downward di...
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1--Oxygen gas is collected by downward displacement of water in a jar. The level of water inside the jar is adjustedto the height of water outside the jar. When the adjustment is made the pressure exerted by the oxygen is(a) equal to the atmospheric pressure(b) equal to the vapour pressure of oxygen at that temperature.(c) equal to atmospheric pressure plus aqueous tension at that temperature.(d) equal to atmospheric pressure minus aqueous tension at that temperature

vikas kumar , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Sunil Kumar FP

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

When the gas is colleced over the water, it becomes moist due to presence of small quantity of water vapour caused by evaporation.
Then, pressure exerted by moist gas = pressure exerted by dry gas + pressure of water vapour (aqueous tension).
i.e. Patmospheric = Pdry + f (aqueous tension)
or, Pdry = Patmospheric – f
Therefore, aqueous tension should be subtracted from the total pressure to get pressure of the dry gas.

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