
Why does phenol show acidic character ? Please explain with diagrams.

Why does phenol show acidic character ?
Please explain with diagrams.


4 Answers

11 Points
9 years ago
It releases H+ and phenoxide ion thus formed is resonance stabilised.
Saurabh Bodke
15 Points
9 years ago
phenol releases H+ in its solution and its conjugate base (phenoxide ion) is a weak base.
thus it shows acidic nature
Saurabh Bodke
15 Points
9 years ago
phenol releases H+ in its solution and its conjugate base (phenoxide ion) is a weak base.
thus it shows acidic nature
2061 Points
9 years ago
image is unable to be uploaded so please go through
a google search and write over there conjugate base of phenol(phenoxide ion)
here after the reomval of hydrogen the conjugate will be gaining stability and hence
prehol would reke to remove acid easely hence a good acid
approve if useful

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