
Which of the following statements is not an essential feature of an optically active compound? A) the molecules of an optically active compound will be dissymetric or asymmetric. B) the molecules of an optically active molecule must have at least one stereogenic site. C) an optically active compounds molecular configuration will not be identical with its mirror image. D) an optically active compound will have at least one stereoisomer.

 Which of the following statements is not an essential feature of an optically active compound?
 A) the molecules of an optically active compound will be dissymetric or asymmetric.
 B) the molecules of an optically active molecule must have at least one stereogenic site.
 C) an optically active compounds molecular configuration will not be identical with its mirror image.
 D) an optically active compound will have at least one stereoisomer.


1 Answers

Akshay Meena
askIITians Faculty 34 Points
10 years ago
ANS : (B) Thanks & Regards Akshay Meena, askIITians Faculty M.Tech, IIT Kharagpur

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