
which kind of methods of preparation of alcohols is usefull to applying in industry? are all of this methods usefull to preparation of ethanol?

which kind of methods of preparation of alcohols is usefull to applying in industry?
are all of this methods usefull to preparation of ethanol?


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 131 Points
10 years ago
You have asked a very good question.
All the methods can not be used for industrial preparation of any substance. The industrial method used must be economic i.e. it should provide more product with less investment of money. Further the industrial method used must be easy to safe and easy for handling and should be less time taking.

Industrial method used for preparation of alcohols are
1. Hydrolysis of alkenes i.e.addition of water to alkenes.
2.Fermentation: Fermentation is the method used for production of alcohols by action ofmicroorganismson organicmaterial like fruit.

Thanks and Regards
Pankaj Singh
askIITians Faculty

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